Golf Therapy
Experiencing pain in your back of elbow while golfing? At Athletic Edge Physical Therapy, we look for deficits in strength and flexibility base on tests developed by Titleist Performance Institute. We identify any physical limitations that create swing inefficiencies, which can contribute to pain during or after a round of golf or loss of power from compensations. Each client will receive a program, which is designed to help with these imbalances providing solutions to get them back on track.
James Sanderson is a certified Titleist Performance Institute medical professional and specializes in golf physical therapy. He combines his knowledge of golf and physical therapy to have a more comprehensive approach to treating the golfer. He will determine what areas need to be address whether is it your mobility and stability. Our goal is to reduce pain and reduce restrictions in your swing to help your injury or prevent pain.
General Orthopedics
Orthopedic physical therapy focuses on treating conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system, which is made up of your joints, muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Orthopedic injuries and conditions may include: sprains, strains, fractures, tendonitis, bursitis and post-operative rehab. The therapists at AEPT have spent their entire professional career working in the orthopedic therapy field and are experts in treating any condition of the musculoskeletal system.
Sports Injury Rehabilitation
At Athletic Edge Physical Therapy we take our athletes seriously and offer comprehensive sports injury rehabilitation. We treat all conditions that arise from sports helping people of all ages to maintain their health and fitness, recover from and prevent injury and reduce pain using exercise, movement and manual based therapeutic interventions.
Pre and Post Operation Rehabilitation
Pre-operative care at Athletic Edge Physical Therapy aims to maximize joint mobility and strength, which will ensure a better recovery post-operatively. We also will gain valuable information about how your joint was moving prior to surgery, which may give us insight on how you may recover post-operatively.
After surgery, our goal is to begin your plan of care as soon as your surgeon clears you to begin treatment. We will progress you based on the best evidence that will minimize the adverse effects of the surgery and optimize your recovery. The goal is to reduce pain and swelling, as well as to restore normal range of motion, strength, and function.
Concussion Management
Concussions are caused by a hit to the head that leads to a mild traumatic brain injury. Symptoms include headaches and neck pain, dizziness, impaired vision, balance deficits, sensitivity to motion, nausea, fatigue, and lack of concentration. Each concussion presents with different symptoms and vary in recovery. Our therapist have years of experience in treating concussions and will develop a treatment plan based on patient presentation.
Spinal Dysfunction
80 percent of adults experience spinal pain at some point in their lifetimes. It is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work days. In a large survey, more than a quarter of adults reported experiencing low back pain during the past 3 months. We offer a comprehensive “top down” approach looking at the entire movement system of our patients to determine the most effective treatment programs to return to pain free living.
Injury Prevention Programs
The most frequent types of sports injuries are sprains, strains and stress fractures. Injury occurs when excessive stress is placed on tendons, joints, bones and muscle due to overuse. AEPT has developed comprehensive injury prevention programs based on the latest research to help improve the most common risk factors for these types of injuries. We utilize the Functional Movement Screen, Y balance test as well as a battery of specific functional tests to determine movement competencies and develop individualized programs.
What is shockwave therapy?
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates the body’s natural healing process. It can relieve pain and promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. It accomplishes this by releasing growth factors in the injured tissue. Focused shockwave therapy (FSWT) is a treatment that uses high-energy acoustic waves to break down tissue and promote healing without creating tissue damage. The waves are concentrated on a specific area, rather than being transmitted over a larger area of the body. This makes FSWT ideal for treating deep-seated conditions.
What injuries can be treated with shockwave therapy?
Shockwave therapy is used to reduce pain and promote healing from tendinopathy, orthopedic, and many other sports injuries. Some examples include:
- Foot, Ankle, or Heel pain: plantar fasciitis and Achilles’ tendinopathy
- Knee pain: patella tendinopathy (jumper’s knee), joint arthritis
- Hip pain: Quadricep strains, hamstring injuries, rectus femoris and lateral hip pain with gluteal tendinopathies
- Elbow pain: Little League elbow, golfer’s or tennis elbow, Triceps or distal biceps tendinitis
- Shoulder pain: Biceps tendinitis, rotator cuff injuries

What are the other benefits to using Shockwave Therapy with Physical Therapy?
- Short treatment time (a few minutes)
- Precise and targeted application
- Results in a few treatments (4-5)
- Deep tissue can be reached
- Non-invasive and no known significant adverse effects
- Alternative to medication
Functional Dry Needling
Functional Dry Needling is a valuable and effective treatment for musculoskeletal pain or referred pain such as headaches or sciatica. Dry Needling is a technique that uses small needles to reduce muscle spasming targeting trigger points, or “knots.” The treatment helps to improve blood flow, restore mobility, and performance to the muscle while minimizing pain over the course of treatment. Dry needling also helps to improve mobility and appearance of scarring. James Sanderson and Mark Baldwin are certified to perform the technique which will help eliminate your pain and dysfunction.

What to expect
- Soreness in the treatment area immediately after treatment is normal. This can begin the following day and last several days after treatment. We continue to monitor treatment response to determine adjustments for symptoms lasting more than 48 hours.
- Bruising in the treatment area is also a common symptom. Location of treatment, such as shoulders, base of neck, head and face, arms and legs, are common regions to experience bruising. The use ice can be used to help decrease the bruising.
- Staying hydrated and continuing prescribed activities or exercises by your physical therapist can help minimize these symptoms.
Kinesiotaping is a taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. The acrylic adhesive and elastic properties of the tape allow patients to move in greater range of motions while staying resistant to moisture resulting in better movement during activity.
Running Injuries
Running for exercise is a great way to maintain good health, but it can also be a source of injury. Approximately 50 to 75% of running injuries are overuse injuries. Experts estimate that injury rates are higher for runners who log 40 or more miles per week 2, and runners who have had previous injuries. AT AEPT, we can perform a thorough movement analysis as well as a video gait analysis to look at the factors that are causing your pain, create a detailed treatment plan and get you back on the road again.
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)
The vestibular system is in the inner ear and assists in controlling eye movements and balance. Conditions that effect this system can results in vertigo, dizziness, balance deficits, impaired vision, and sensitivity to motion. Athletic Edge Physical Therapy will help diagnosis and development a customized plan of care to address each patient’s specific presentation.
Work Related Injuries
Athletic Edge Physical Therapy looks to improve movement patterns that lead to pain. Work related injuries typically are chronic and from repetitive movements or posture. We will work to address the imbalances that are created by repetitive movement patterns by providing a plan of care to improve posture, functional mobility, and strength.
Active Release Therapy (ART)
Active Release Technique (ART) is a type of soft tissue mobilization technique in which a muscle, ligament, fascia, tendon, nerve, or joint capsule is able to be lengthened through a full, comfortable range of active motion. During your initial evaluation, we will be able to determine if this type of treatment will be helpful in your overall treatment program.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a type of soft tissue mobilization technique that uses specifically designed tools to detect and treat fascial restrictions, encourage rapid localization and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis, chronic inflammation, or degeneration. It is used as an adjunct to other manual therapy techniques and therapeutic exercises.